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"You haven't really had the full New Orleans experience until you've been in a swamp" ~ Diane
Zagreb is a very safe city that inhabits Europe’s best Christmas Market 3 years in a row for 2016, '17 and '18 ~ Shannon
"The attention to detail in the parks, the hotels, the parades and the shows is great." ~ Rebecca
"Barcelona is a perfect getaway for someone who loves the beach but is adventurous and likes exploring a city" ~ Rebecca
"Malta can offer something for everyone's taste. Which makes it so easy to fall in love with this country!" ~ Jill
"It was hard to imagine changing into swimwear and heading out into the elements but it was truly amazing!" ~ Katrina
"It doesn’t matter how many times you visit New York, there will always be something new to discover" ~ Katrina
"The combination of city and beach was what first attracted me to Valencia as a perfect mid September getaway" ~ Katrina
Check out Olivia's top attractions in Las Vegas and her reasons why...
Ladies, the best tip I could give for Lisbon is, wear comfortable footwear and leave the heels at home!